
Climate Change: What Are the Facts? A Letter to Greta Thunberg SEE THE VIDEO BASED ON THE TRANSCRIPT: Climate Change: What Are The Facts? | A Letter To Greta Thunberg TRANSCRIPT:  An Open Letter / Video to Greta Thunberg and all who are concerned about the environment Dear Greta Thunberg,             My name is Jonathan Matta.  I’m 14 and am ALSO very concerned about the environment.  We are grateful for your caring about the earth and want to pass a better, cleaner, safer planet on to the next generation.  My family and I are PERSONALLY involved in helping improve our environment by gardening, composting, recycling, using low-flow water devices, LED lighting, driving less and walking more, participating in the renewable energy program with our local electric utility, and more.            We live near to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and are regularly out in nature, and practicing good environmental stewardship.  Both of my older brothers are Eagle Scouts and I’