Climate Change: What Are the Facts?
A Letter to Greta Thunberg

An Open Letter / Video to Greta Thunberg and all who are concerned about the environment

Dear Greta Thunberg, 

          My name is Jonathan Matta.  I’m 14 and am ALSO very concerned about the environment.  We are grateful for your caring about the earth and want to pass a better, cleaner, safer planet on to the next generation.  My family and I are PERSONALLY involved in helping improve our environment by gardening, composting, recycling, using low-flow water devices, LED lighting, driving less and walking more, participating in the renewable energy program with our local electric utility, and more. 

          We live near to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and are regularly out in nature, and practicing good environmental stewardship. 
Both of my older brothers are Eagle Scouts and I’m just about to earn my Eagle Scout rank by the end of this year, by God’s grace, before my 15th birthday.  In EIGHT YEARS of Scouting, I probably have a lot more “hands-on” environmental stewardship experience (including camping, hiking, backpacking, studying and teaching environmental stewardship and the Outdoor ‘Environmental’ Code) than the great majority of people who may “talk” about it a lot.  AND my Eagle Scout Project involved building several planter boxes for a local sustainable community garden! 

          WE AGREE WITH YOU that environmental stewardship is vital to our quality of life and that of future generations.  We also want you, and ALL THOSE who are “in a panic” about reports of the impending environmental cataclysm to be able to objectively ANALYZE the actual climate data, IDENTIFY areas where we can truly make a positive impact, and to STOP PANICKING because the data indicates that:  in nations that have private property and free markets, the AIR AND WATER QUALITY is improving, LANDFILLING PER CAPITA is decreasing as recycling and composting is practiced and increasing, and other measures such as SURFACE TEMPERATURES and ARTIC ICE PACK are relatively stable!  This is good news! 
          Here’s something we MUST impact:  In developing nations (especially CHINA and many nations in Asia and Africa, especially those which practice communism and lack private property and free markets) pressure MUST be applied to URGE them to adopt stricter “western” environmental standards, implement private property ownership, and free markets where “environmental abusers” can be held accountable for damages, UNLIKE communist and totalitarian countries where the “government” controls the means of production without regard for the environment, AND where vast tracts of “government” property facilitate dumping there and abuse of the land because there is no accountability. 

*** Let’s take a look at just a handful of scientific reports AND the conclude with a shortlist of specific action steps we can take to TRULY impact the environment for good: reports the DECREASING Sulfur Dioxide air pollution in NORTH AMERICA between 1980 and 2010 (12M tons down from 30M tons) and EUROPE (20M tons down from 71M tons),  VERSUS INCREASING Sulfur Dioxide emissions for ASIA (52M up from 37M tons) and AFRICA (7M tons, up from 4M tons).
Link > > >

The American Council on Science and Health reports that ASIA and AFRICA are causing 90% of Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans.

According to the Global Warming Policy Foundation, worldwide POLAR BEAR numbers have risen from about 22.500 in 2005 to about 30,000 in 2017, and some have called for a re-assessment of their “endangered” status

Here’s a graph from showing the AUGUST 22 Average Maximum Temperature at All US Historical Climatology Network Stations DECREASING over the past 100+ years by about 1 degree Fahrenheit.  KEEP IN MIND that during the same period, the world population increased FIVE-FOLD from 1.5B to 7.7B (1895 through 2017) and the industrial revolution was in full swing with huge increases in automobiles, factories, and heat-generating machinery)! 

Please CLICK the link below to read the recent article: “500 Climate Scientists Write to the United Nations that  “There Is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY” contending that spending trillions on the issue is "cruel and imprudent."

Regarding measures of US Air and Water Quality:  Please CLICK below to read the EPA reports that between 1970 and 2018, the combined emissions of the six common pollutants (including sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, lead, and particulates) DROPPED 74%!  This progress occurred while the U.S. economy continued to grow, Americans drove many more miles, and population and energy use increased. 

CLICK BELOW to read an article documenting that, in the past 50 years, all predictions of Enviro-cataclysm have been 100% wrong.

Please CLICK the link below to watch a 5-minute video entitled “Climate Change:  What Do Scientists Say?”  by Dr. Richard Lindzen who is an MIT Atmospheric Physicist and Climatologist. 

Finally, please CLICK the link below to read Unhealthy Air Days Show Significant Long-Term Improvement (EPA Data) showing that AIR QUALITY is IMPROVING dramatically in the USA and Western World where there is private property and free markets.
Link > > >

*** You can visit all of the afore-mentioned sources down below; links are labeled and categorized in the description.

Yes, let’s be serious-minded, committed conservationists who actively work to improve our environment.  But NO we should NOT be panicking about “environmental cataclysm” because the data just doesn’t seem to support it. 


  1. Let’s ALL do what we can locally to help our environment (including gardening, recycling, composting, using water and electricity frugally, educating ourselves about good stewardship, etc.)! 
  2. Let’s STOP PANICKING because the scientific data does not evidence any “existential threat” to us or the environment,  BUT rather than progress is being made in the areas of reducing air and water pollution among the Western, free-market nations. 
  3. Let’s focus our attention on PRESSURING nations in ASIA and AFRICA (especially CHINA which has an abysmal environmental footprint and pollution record) to reduce air and water pollution. 
  4. Let’s review the facts about “renewables” technology to determine which options are viable in terms of producing clean energy cost-effectively,  and
  5. Let’s URGE “climate hypocrites” like Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio who fly on private jets, drive SUV’s and live in large-carbon-footprint homes, to personally adopt a more environmentally-sound “lifestyle” themselves. 

          Greta, we want you to sleep well and enjoy personal peace as we work together on the 5-step plan above to actively practice and teach “good environmental stewardship,” pressure all nations to implement private property and free markets, hold “polluter nations” accountable, and encourage all people, even the “rich and famous,” to do their fair share to help the environment. 

Thanks so much for watching!  You can reach me at
